1.0 Operations and Maintenance Programme
Operations and maintenance programme expanded substantially for 2008. Increase in schedule of planned maintenance for all water and waste water plants.
2.0 Capital Programme
2.1 Major Schemes
2.1.1 Kilkenny Regional Water Supply Scheme
The Preliminary Report and accompanying documentation was forwarded to the Department for approval in July 2008. Well drilling underway. We are now awaiting the EIS Report which is due to be completed in August/September 2009, following completion of exploratory well drilling and testing at Dunmore and Kilkieran Well fields. The EIS report will then be submitted to An Bord Pleanala for approval.
2.1.2 Gowran/Goresbridge/Paulstown WSS
Investigations to find an alternative source were unsuccessful. Additional protection works for the existing source will now be undertaken and are currently being designes, with a view to implementation in 2009. Discussions with landowners are ongoing in relation to obtaining an upgraded access. The major scheme works require a design review. This review will be complete early in 2009.
2.1.3 Bennettsbridge Water Supply Scheme
Preliminary Report received, currently being examined by Kilkenny County Council. Advance works to protect well heads from flooding being designed.
2.1.4 Ballyragget, Clogh/Castlecomer and Urlingford/Johsntown WSS Bundle
Preliminary Report and Technical Report were forwarded to the DOE in September 2008 for approval.
2.1.5 Callan, Graignamanagh and Thomastown/Inistioge WSS Bundle
Draft Preliminary Reports have been received and reviewed and returned to Consultants for revision. Once these have been received they will be submitted, with a technical report, to the Department for approval.
2.1.6 Mooncoin Water Supply Scheme
EIS for full scheme has been approved by An Bord Pleanala . Site investigations and well drilling complete. Contractor short listing underway. Construction of Phase 1 to commence in 2009.
2.1.7 Kilkenny City & County Metering Project
The installation phase of the Non-domestic metering project has been completed and automatic meter readings are currently being taken. The first bills using the automated billing system will be issued to customers in April 2009.
2.1.8 Kilkenny Waste Water Treatment Plant
A revised Preliminary Report & EIS has been prepared, evaluated and issued to An Bord Pleanala and DoEHLG respectively. A decision from An Bord Pleanala is anticipated early in 2009.
2.1.9 Freshford, Johnstown & Goresbridge Sewerage Scheme Bundle
Preliminary Report has been conditionally approved by the DoEHLG. Detailed design to commence shortly.
2.2.10 Kilmacow Sewerage Scheme
The construction of the network has been completed. The contractor for the waste water treatment plant is due to be appointed in April 2009 and the works are expected to be completed by end of 2009.
A new assessment of needs was undertaken in 2006 and was submitted to the Dept for inclusion in the Water Services Investment Programme 2007 - 2008. This needs assessment is reviewed on an annual basis.
2.3 Complete Information System - A database for the water supply network
To date, Kilkenny County Council has substantially completed the data collection throughout the County, related to water services. Data collection includes the creation of a comprehensive customer database for each individual area, including the type of service, name address, metered/un-metered, residential/non residential/domestic/agricultural etc. A substantial amount of this data was updated as part of the non domestic water metering project.
2.4 Water Conservation Study
Stage 1 work has been completed with flow meters and telemetry installed on all the water supply schemes Countywide. The DoEHLG have given approval for Stage 2 which is active Leakage Control. Leak Detection teams will be established in 2009 to find leaks and have them repaired. This work will be ongoing for 2 years.
2.5 Serviced Land Initiative
2.5.1 SLI - Gowran Sewerage Scheme
The new Wastewater Treatment Plant for Gowran is being constructed at present and is expected to be completed in July 2009.
2.5.2 SLI - Western Environs
Department approval in principle to SLI funding has issued. Detailed proposal to be prepared.
2.5.3 SLI - Bennettsbridge Sewerage Scheme
Department approval received.
2.5.4 SLI -Thomastown Sewerage Scheme
Tenders received and being evaluated.
2.5.5 Castlecomer Sewerage Scheme
Detailed design underway.
2.5.6 Ballyhale Sewerage Scheme
Detailed design underway.
2.5.7 Stoneyford Sewerage Scheme
Detailed design underway.
3.0 Rural Water Programme
- There are 232 Group Schemes in the County-124 Groups served from a private source & 108 Groups connected to the public supply. 68 of the public group schemes are not taken in charge.
- Five Kilkenny group schemes- Ballycallan, Castleinch, Castlewarren, Clifden and Cuffesgrange were included in the South Leinster group of 39 schemes - treatment plants for which are being provided under a Design Build & Operate funding scheme. All schemes have been commissioned.
- The sum of € 321, 030.63 was paid out in improvement grants to group schemes in 2008, with a further €39,601.08 being paid out in grant aid to schemes in the DBO Bundle and €48,127.52 being spent on the Takeover of Group Schemes.
- Asset management of rural water sector advanced and all sources covered by regulations have been mapped. Work continues to record pipe network details into GIS format also.
- 52 Subsidies totalling €184,445.82 were paid to Group Schemes in 2008.
- 88 approvals issued for grant applications for provision of wells to private houses and the sum of €145,417.00 was paid out in well grants in 2008.
- The sum of €1,070,108.11 was spent on the provision & improvement works to public water and sewage schemes under the small schemes programme. Works were carried out to 31 schemes in 2008.
4.0 Water Quality Programme
- The water quality monitoring programme for 2008 built upon improvements in 2007 and increased further the quantity and range of testing of water across source, drinking and waste waters.
- The programme included testing programmes for all categories of public and private water and waste water supplies.
- Identified WWTW under pressure from increased loadings and initiated corrective action programmes.
- Continued our long running testing programme for Cryptosporidium..
- Set up regular meetings with HSE regarding public safety for the delivery of safe & secure drinking water. From these regular meetings Kilkenny County Council have a good working relationship with HSE.
- Water Quality Monitoring administration service was improved through the deployment of a new Laboratory Information Management System. This is constantly being reviewed in order to work towards the release of current, accurate and informative information to the public.
- Kilkenny Water Services Authority invested in new monitoring equipment at all drinking water treatment plants to improve the management of risk of contamination of supplies. Chlorine monitors and alarms were installed at all public drinking water plants and turbidity monitors installed as required depending on the characteristic of the source water.
- Kilkenny Water Services Authority submitted 6 applications to the Environmental Protection Agency for a Discharge License under the Waste Water Authorisation Regs. This programme of submission of applications to the EPA for waste water agglomerations will ultimately lead to improved waste water treatment and discharges to the receiving environment.
- Kilkenny Water Services Authority implemented an innovative scheme in cooperation with the Rural Water sector of site audits of private drinking water schemes. This programme will assist managers of private supplies to improve management and facilities at drinking water schemes in advance of the imminent programme of Licensing of all private water supplies under the Water Services Act 2007.
5.0 Water Charging Programme
- Reviewed and updated non-domestic customer base in conjunction with water metering project.
- Reviewed water pricing policy in context of transfer of sanitary services from Borough to County Council.
- Reviewed charges for water and waste water in context of gradual migration to true economic cost for service provision.
- Delivered public relations campaign to keep customer base informed of changes under way in the water charging programme.
- Implemented new management information system for the management of meter reading (including automatic meter reading AMR facility) and meter billing.
- Implemented new customer relationship management (CRM) system to manage all customer queries relating to water charges to deliver a more responsive and transparent customer query management service.
- All customers were issued, where appropriate, with a final invoice for charges for the calendar year 2008 through to December 31st. This concluding invoice for 2008 completed charging under the old charging system. The invoice also facilitated the introduction of the new charging system consistent with the EU Polluter Pays Principle from January 1st 2009 onwards on a quarterly basis.
6.0 Water Safety
- Water Safety Awareness was promoted in Kilkenny throughout 2008 some of which was channelled through local radio, newspapers and a very successful public awareness day at Market Cross Shopping Centre.
- Promoted Water Safety Awareness week.
- Presentation of Lifeguard Certificates: Training for lifeguards was undertaken from January to May, 2008. A total of 45 pool lifeguards qualified and a presentation of certificates by Mayor of Kilkenny, Cllr. Marie Fitzpatrick was held in County Hall, to which the new lifeguards and their parents were invited. Some of these lifeguards continued their training and were employed by Kilkenny County Council on the rivers in Kilkenny during the summer months from June to September.
- Appointed and managed 15 lifeguards for summer season.
- Ring Buoys: Intensive monitoring of Ring Buoys has taken place throughout 2008 to ensure Ring Buoys in both city and county are checked and replaced on a weekly basis. This initiative to be further developed in 2009.